建物 | マンション | ||
希望性別 | 男女混合 | ||
入居期間 | 半年以上 | ||
設備 | 無線LAN(Wi-Fi)/冷蔵庫/掃除機/洗濯機/乾燥機/炊飯器/ガスコンロ/シャワー/湯船/食器棚/部屋の個室鍵/部屋照明/テレビ/エアコン/リビング/キッチン/部屋内家具/電子レンジ/布団貸し | ||
特典 | 即入居可/外国籍OK/生活保護OK/住民票登録可/荷物のみ可/SOHO利用可/年齢制限無/駐車可/バイク駐輪可/自転車駐輪可/ペット可/駅間近/バス停間近/コンビニ間近/スーパー間近 | ||
詳細説明 |
3月入居保証金0キャンペーン実施中❣️ 3DKのルームシェアです。 各部屋独立しています。(ᵔᴥᵔ) ↓ 360度カメラによる全景で、 以下のリンクをご覧ください。 https://kuula.co/share/7kRtc?fs=1&vr=0&autorotate=0.32&thumbs=1&chromeless=0&logo=0 (ダイニングテーブルは伸縮性があり、4人掛けにもなります!) ★人気,ランクNo.1エリアの港区で、格安に住民票を移せます。 ★港区は23区の中で最も住人への行政サービスが手厚く財政が豊かな区です。 ★警察関連施設と交番に挟まれた最も安全な地域に立地しています。 ★レインボーブリッジの側で、お台場や豊洲までゆりかもめ数駅、遊覧船1本で移動可。 ★2人入居、ゲストの宿泊可。(オプション) ★roomCのみオフィス利用可。(オプション) ★ 敷地内立体駐車場を25000円で借りられます。(オプション・要相談) ★バイクは無料です。 ・希少価値のある、バイク止め放題の港区の物件 ・ローソンが向かい ・徒歩30秒でセブンイレブン、カフェ、レストラン、定食専門の食堂、内科、歯科、眼科 ・イオン、ケンタッキー、クリーニング、お台場へのボート乗り場が徒歩3分圏内 ・野菜果実移動販売車が週2回朝から夕方までビルの入口に停車販売します ・JR山手線・田町駅より徒歩10分、ゆりかもめ芝浦埠頭駅より徒歩3分 ・100円ちいばすのバス停前、都バス停留場徒歩30秒 ・洗濯機、乾燥機付き ・家具家電・wifi・鍵付き (寝具オプション) ・ケーブルテレビ海外放送有り Spacious 61m2 3LDK apartment in Minato-ku! https://kuula.co/share/7kRtc?fs=1&vr=0&autorotate=0.32&thumbs=1&chromeless=0&logo=0 Enjoy living in a comfortable flat with a vintage touch, just a few stops away from Odaiba and all the entertainment! You can rent both rooms for yourself and enjoy the entire flat, or just rent 1 bedroom and share the flat with a roommate ! ❤️Great location This cozy apartment is located in Minato-ku, one of the most attractive districts of Tokyo. Only 10-min away from Tamachi station on the Yamanote Line with great access to any area of Tokyo ! Very close to Mita stations also and 4-min walking distance to Shibaura-Futo station on Yurikamome line. Keio University (Mita campus) is a 20-min walk from the flat and less than 10-min by bicycle. Temple University 30-min walking, less than 15-min by bicycle. ❤️Building Modern Building from 1993 12 stories building Secured Reinforced Concrete Elevator Smart Lock door system ❤️The flat Odaiba Vintage Apartment is a comfortable 3LDK type 61 sqm private apartment. Composed of a spacious living area with an open kitchen, one private bathroom with separate toilet, and 3 private bedrooms available for rent. Located on the 2nd floor of the building, you will also enjoy your own private balcony. Room A has a double size bed and a desk. Room B has a single size sofa-bed and a desk. Room C has a single size folding bed, a small desk and a chair. The apartment is completely furnished and equipped with all the amenities, to make it your temporary or long term home, like a dining table, a desk and a fully-equipped kitchen (cups, dishes, utensils, and glasses) as well as microwave. Wifi is provided and included in the rent. . [Initial Fee] Deposit 30,000 JPY (fully refundable without any damage in the flat) Deep cleaning fee 11000 ~ 33000 JPY (depending on the length of staying) Documentation fee 11000 JPY [Monthly Rent] Now it's campaign so showing the rent below is discount prices. Usual rent is 57000~76000 JPY. Electric, Gas, Water and stable and fast Internetconnection are served by 20,000JPY. When it's double occupancy, utility fee plus 5000 JPY/M Insurance 1000 JPY/M Note: During the winter season (Between December to March this room C tenant must pay 3000 JPY extra for electricity fee since the room has an oil heater privately. Summer time the tenant is able to use a window cooler machine in the room. |
交通 |
JR山手線内回り「田町(東京都)」 10分以内 またはゆりかもめ「芝浦ふ頭」 3分以内 または都営浅草線「三田(東京都)」 15分以内 |
その他費用 |
水道・光熱費:20,000円 |