

更新日:2022年11月02日 02:09



■所在地:福岡県福岡市早良区 >> 地図で見る
福岡市地下鉄空港線「西新」 5分以内
福岡市地下鉄空港線「西新」 5分以内

建物 シェアハウス
希望性別 女性限定
入居期間 期間不問
設備 冷蔵庫/掃除機/洗濯機/乾燥機/炊飯器/ガスコンロ/シャワー/湯船/食器棚/押し入れ/部屋照明/テレビ/エアコン/リビング/キッチン/電子レンジ/布団貸し
特典 即入居可/外国籍OK/住民票登録可/荷物のみ可/年齢制限無/自転車駐輪可/駅間近/バス停間近/コンビニ間近/スーパー間近
>> この物件に問い合わせする <<
2階建ての一軒家で5LDKの間取り。そのうち6畳の洋室、1部屋をお貸しします!! キッチンと風呂は広く使い勝手がいいです。お湯を溜めてお風呂もOK。足を伸ばして入れます‼︎ 冷蔵庫、電子レンジ、調理用具、洗濯機、掃除機など、生活に必要なものは、ほぼ揃っています。

⚪️賃料 ¥30,000-/1部屋  保証金:1ヶ月
⚪️定員:4名 現在、3名の女性が入居中です。。

⚪️ 冷房完備


4 minutes walk from Nishijin subway station.
There are many bus routes, so it's very convenient to go in any direction.
There are many unique shops such as cafes, bakeries, general stores, and second-hand bookstores in the surrounding area.
Supermarkets and Daiso are also within a 3-minute walk.
A two-story house with a floor plan of 5LDK.
We will rent one Western-style room with 6 tatami mats! The kitchen and bath are spacious and easy to use.
We have almost everything we need for our daily lives, such as refrigerators, microwave ovens, cooking utensils, washing machines, and vacuum cleaners.
⚪️ Rent ¥ 30,000- / 1 room deposit: 1 month
⚪️ Utility bills are the total of water, gas, and electricity bills for the month divided by the number of people.
It depends on the month, but on average it is around ¥ 8,000- per person.
⚪️ Capacity: 4 people Currently, 3 women are occupying.
⚪️ Smoking is allowed only in designated areas.
⚪️ You can move in from the end of December.
⚪️ The deposit will be returned when you move out.
⚪️ It's okay if you move in for a short period of time.
Please contact us.
⚪️ Fully air-conditioned
* Please feel free to contact us first.
福岡市地下鉄空港線「西新」 5分以内
または福岡市地下鉄空港線「西新」 5分以内

